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Investment Management

Working with you to build a customized portfolio that fits your financial goals.

Agency and Trust Accounts

As an investment agent for an assortment of circumstances and situations, we can manage investments for you in a variety of areas, including trusts, IRAs and taxable investment accounts. Whether you are serving as the trustee of your family trust and need help managing the assets or you want to spend more time with your family and less time worrying about your portfolio, we are here for you.

Foundations and Nonprofits

Additionally, our services also are beneficial to nonprofits and local charities. We work with these groups to build portfolios that will generate income to assist in funding the organization’s mission, as well as provide growth to ensure the organization’s long-term future. Serving our community is an important part of the Rio Bank Wealth Management & Trust culture. We understand the responsibility of serving on a nonprofit board and can use that experience to help guide our nonprofit clients through the investing experience.
We have a team of professional portfolio managers that will work with you to build a customized portfolio suited to your specific needs, situation, and goals.

Notice: Wealth Management & Trust Division Investments include non-deposit investment products which are:

Not FDIC Insured Not Bank Guaranteed May Lose Value Not a Deposit
Not Insured by Any Federal Government Agency

See the future more clearly with Retirement Services

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