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Retirement Services

Meeting both your long-term retirement needs and overall financial legacy planning goals

Our experienced team is dedicated to helping you meet your retirement goals through a variety of managed individual retirement accounts. Visit with us to learn about your retirement account options that can be tailored to meet your financial needs and goals.

Traditional IRA

A retirement account where your contributions may be fully or partially tax-deductible. This popular choice also offers tax-deferred growth on your investments until you make withdrawals.

Roth IRA

You may open a Roth IRA at any age with no required withdrawals during your lifetime. As long as holding requirements are met, withdrawals will not be taxed.

Rollover IRA

A traditional IRA where an employer may rollover interest from an employer-sponsored retirement plan into a traditional IRA. This allows you to continue to benefit from tax- deferred investment growth. Similarly, a Roth 401(k) participant account may be rolled over to a Roth IRA depending on the circumstances of the retiring employee. Visit with one of our Trust professionals for more details about Rollover IRA options.

Business Owner Retirement Solutions

There are plenty of lucrative retirement accounts that are made for business owners, including SEP IRA, 401(k), 403(b), or a Simple IRA. At Rio Bank Wealth Management & Trust, our goal is to meet both your long-term retirement needs and overall financial legacy planning goals.

Notice: Wealth Management & Trust Division Investments include non-deposit investment products which are:

Not FDIC Insured Not Bank Guaranteed May Lose Value Not a Deposit
Not Insured by Any Federal Government Agency

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